Mobile app for a supermarket chain
Our team developed an application for smartphones with a minimal set of functions (MVP).The project is focused on new and existing customers of the store chain.
our Project
About Mobile Development
After that we developed all possible scenarios and created a prototype. On the design side, we created a concept based on the existing brandbook, but in a way that looks good in a mobile app.
The first thing we did was to analyze mobile applications on the retail market.
The architecture of the server side of the app, as usual, was developed based on our scaffold, built on the principle of pure architecture.
After that was the testing phase, improving all the processes within the app.
Mobile app features
The store's customers don't need to carry plastic cards with them - they are all in the mobile app now. Virtual cards are also convenient for the store itself - it has become easier to analyze customer behavior, it is now possible to form personalized offers. All this increases customer loyalty and sales.
The store's customers are now notified of promotions and discounts, and can plan their purchases.
The client application is a desktop application and enables visualization of the original and calculated data with subsequent report generation, as well as data exchange with other systems
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